Good morning to the community.
I've read a lot of books and I've seen a lot of videos on panel data but I have still many misunderstandings concerning the elaboration of the panel data regression.

My panel data is:
N = 1320
T = 11 (from 2010 to 2020)
K = 7
I uploaded the do-file editor "", the excel file with dataset "File2.xlsx" and the Stata document "File2.dta".

I show you below the formula I've written but I'm not sure it's good to run a panel data regression.


I would like to know what is the perfect Stata regression to put in the command Stata?

- Do I need to write only the idiosynchratic error term mu_it? (or I need to add the individual-specific effect epsilon_i)?
- Do I need to write all the dummy variable from theta_1 d10_t to theta_11 d20_t?
- Do I need to write the intercept theta naught theta_0?
- Where is located the regression coefficient in the formula?

Thank you for your answer.