Dear Statalist,
I have a question about the explanation of coefficients of interactions terms of the AFT model. I am estimating the factors affecting pickers’ pick_time. The first pictures report the AFT model with the time ratio. The second picture reports the AFT model with the original coefficients. I am confused about how to interpret the coefficient of the interaction term? The coefficient of the interaction term in the second picture is 0.0005013, that means the impact of currentexp on pick time is exp(-0.0179605+0.0005013*popularity)?
For Popularity=1, exp(-0.0179605+0.0005013*1)=0.9827, which means if currentexp increases by 1, pick_time decreases by 1.73%?
For Popularity=0, exp(-0.0179605)=0.9822, which means if current exp increases by 1, pick_time decreases by 1.78%?
I am not sure if my understanding is correct. If I am right, it seems that the results in the first picture does not make much sense. Can someone please give me some advices?


Thank you very much for your help.