Hi everyone! I tried doing a chow test using -test- and the following command:
. suest Brahmin UC OBC Dalit Adivasi, cluster(STATE_DISTID)

Simultaneous results for Brahmin, UC, OBC, Dalit, Adivasi

                                                Number of obs     =     79,325

                            (Std. Err. adjusted for 370 clusters in STATE_DISTID)
                |               Robust
                |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
Brahmin_mean    |
logurbanisation |   .0962082   .0682512     1.41   0.159    -.0375617     .229978
      EDUCATION |   .0710476   .0059827    11.88   0.000     .0593217    .0827736
     OCCUPATION |  -.0056143   .0007989    -7.03   0.000    -.0071801   -.0040486
          URBAN |   .3803489   .0731118     5.20   0.000     .2370523    .5236455
           RO_3 |  -.1307126   .0551441    -2.37   0.018    -.2387931   -.0226322
            RO5 |    .006796   .0020625     3.30   0.001     .0027536    .0108385
            mar |  -.0032889   .0545881    -0.06   0.952    -.1102796    .1037017
           time |   .1482965   .0494396     3.00   0.003     .0513967    .2451962
          _cons |   10.42243   .1790616    58.21   0.000     10.07147    10.77338
Brahmin_lnvar   |
          _cons |  -.4670615   .0481963    -9.69   0.000    -.5615245   -.3725985
UC_mean         |
logurbanisation |   .0672352   .0710858     0.95   0.344    -.0720905    .2065609
      EDUCATION |   .0609063   .0048479    12.56   0.000     .0514046     .070408
     OCCUPATION |  -.0056759   .0006935    -8.18   0.000    -.0070352   -.0043166
          URBAN |   .3897185   .0488907     7.97   0.000     .2938945    .4855424
           RO_3 |  -.0240296   .0453255    -0.53   0.596    -.1128659    .0648067
            RO5 |   .0056959   .0017892     3.18   0.001     .0021891    .0092027
            mar |  -.1139842    .032705    -3.49   0.000    -.1780849   -.0498835
           time |   .1698457   .0468221     3.63   0.000      .078076    .2616153
          _cons |   10.47544    .146294    71.61   0.000     10.18871    10.76217
UC_lnvar        |
          _cons |  -.4558201   .0598579    -7.62   0.000    -.5731395   -.3385007
OBC_mean        |
logurbanisation |   .1213767   .0505292     2.40   0.016     .0223414    .2204121
      EDUCATION |   .0415183   .0033229    12.49   0.000     .0350056    .0480311
     OCCUPATION |  -.0044012   .0004984    -8.83   0.000     -.005378   -.0034244
          URBAN |   .4143306   .0356688    11.62   0.000     .3444209    .4842402
           RO_3 |   .0059099   .0204806     0.29   0.773    -.0342315    .0460512
            RO5 |   .0026357   .0009078     2.90   0.004     .0008564     .004415
            mar |  -.1232065   .0257449    -4.79   0.000    -.1736656   -.0727475
           time |   .2058166    .029633     6.95   0.000      .147737    .2638962
          _cons |   10.49678   .0966064   108.66   0.000     10.30743    10.68612
OBC_lnvar       |
          _cons |  -.5106735   .0337939   -15.11   0.000    -.5769082   -.4444387
Dalit_mean      |
logurbanisation |   .0599791   .0636714     0.94   0.346    -.0648145    .1847728
      EDUCATION |   .0323772   .0043063     7.52   0.000      .023937    .0408174
     OCCUPATION |  -.0029499   .0006317    -4.67   0.000     -.004188   -.0017119
          URBAN |   .4792115    .057459     8.34   0.000     .3665939    .5918292
           RO_3 |   .0139581   .0248035     0.56   0.574    -.0346558     .062572
            RO5 |   .0027359   .0010757     2.54   0.011     .0006276    .0048442
            mar |  -.1224813   .0279643    -4.38   0.000    -.1772903   -.0676724
           time |   .2930478   .0382048     7.67   0.000     .2181678    .3679279
          _cons |   10.25986     .13977    73.41   0.000     9.985914     10.5338
Dalit_lnvar     |
          _cons |  -.6977499   .0406441   -17.17   0.000    -.7774108    -.618089
Adivasi_mean    |
logurbanisation |   .1301019   .1127704     1.15   0.249    -.0909239    .3511278
      EDUCATION |   .0377194   .0071847     5.25   0.000     .0236376    .0518013
     OCCUPATION |  -.0040962   .0014458    -2.83   0.005    -.0069299   -.0012625
          URBAN |   .6741165   .0834127     8.08   0.000     .5106306    .8376024
           RO_3 |  -.0177608   .0261091    -0.68   0.496    -.0689338    .0334121
            RO5 |   .0046253   .0019444     2.38   0.017     .0008142    .0084363
            mar |  -.1385599    .057765    -2.40   0.016    -.2517772   -.0253426
           time |   .1967442   .0699005     2.81   0.005     .0597418    .3337467
          _cons |   10.27268   .2418091    42.48   0.000     9.798742    10.74662
Adivasi_lnvar   |
          _cons |  -.5216917   .1057542    -4.93   0.000    -.7289661   -.3144173

. test [Dalit_mean]logurbanisation=[OBC_mean]logurbanisation

 ( 1)  - [OBC_mean]logurbanisation + [Dalit_mean]logurbanisation = 0

           chi2(  1) =    0.83
         Prob > chi2 =    0.3631
The test statistic is chi2 however, generally the chow test statistic is F. I am concerned that I am doing or interpreting something incorrectly here.