Hi everyone!
I'm trying to replicate this kind of transition matrix


where direct stockholding is identified by "pos_e1", college by "college", year are identified by "anno" (with just 2008 and 2014), and each individual is identified along time by "nquest".
I would like to do the very same table with more recent data but all i have tried was

xtset nquest anno
xttrans pos_e1
xttrans pos_e1 if college==1

but i think i's horribly wrong

with dataex anno nquest pos_e1 nquest

2008 23865 0 0
2014 23865 0 0
2008 24147 0 1
2014 24147 0 1
2008 24149 0 0
2014 24149 0 0
2008 24194 1 1
2014 24194 0 0

I've tried with help xttrans and xttab but i cannot understood it properly
Could someone help me
Thank You so much