Attached is the do file also.
Preview attachment R2 to use_working8.12.20.dta

R2 to use_working8.12.20.dtaPreview attachment DF_PPVT score key2(revised2).do

DF_PPVT score key2(revised2).do
3.7 KB
5 MB
I tried the following syntax but it's showing an error.
Syntax: Generating answer codes for all items ( 1 to 204 )
gen ans_1=4
gen ans_2=3
gen ans_3=1
gen ans_201=4
gen ans_202=2
gen ans_203=3
gen ans_204=2
mvdecode ppvt1 - ppvt204, mv(77 79 88 99)
forval i = 1/204 {
replace ppvt`i' = 0 if ppvt`i'!=ans_`i' & ppvt`i'!=.
replace ppvt`i' = 1 if ppvt`i'==ans_`i'
Thank you.
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