Hi again,

I am attempting to plot a dot map using spmap, where the map is meant to show Kenya with district boundaries, and the dots should indicate the locations of the households sampled in a survey.

My database.dta file looks like the following:
input int _ID double(_CX _CY) str25 name
  1 34.369031158764884  -.9882896581514662 "Migori"                  
  2  39.18834706727185  -4.208251576452514 "Kwale"                    
  3  38.41986349701732 -3.4346706217996936 "Taita Taveta"            
  4  34.43864155813045  -.7926781795624891 "south kabuoch"            
  5 34.248036802850635 -.06212133668316645 "Siaya"    
111  40.73276157951521   3.438350273734395 "Mandera"                  

My coordinates_shp.dta file looks like this (the basemap):
input int _ID double(_X _Y)           .                  .
1  33.93141749527671 -.8074533998876076
1  34.08032749525598 -.8078791998875576
1  34.08148719525582 -.7995784998887102
1  34.08392859525548 -.7940242998894849
2  38.53473429463592  -4.109143799428989
2  38.55109169463364 -4.1031623994298165
3  38.24170449467671 -2.7458625996180746
3  38.24829629467579 -2.7507453996173945
111 41.49970999422 3.95462999945

Finally, my master.dta lists the coordinates of the households I would like to depict as dots:
input int hhid byte id double(Longitude Latitude) int _ID byte
67  4 34.943333333333335  1.0175 6
68  4 34.96138888889  1.04  6
485  8 36.196666666666665  .8294444444444444 7
163  4  34.83888888888889  .6444444444444445 9

The _ID variable is encoded the same way in all three datasets, so _ID=1 always means "Migori".

I manage to plot the basemap by running
 spmap using "coordinates_shp.dta", id(_ID)
, with database.dta in memory. However, I am struggling to add the dots from master.dta. When I try to run the command
 spmap using "coordinates_shp.dta", id(_ID) point(x(Long) y(Lat))
with master.dta in memory, I get the error message that _ID does not uniquely identify the observations (which is true, since several households can be in the same district).

I haven't completely grasped the way my master data is supposed to look like so that Stata is able to plot dots on my basemap.

Any questions, please let me know. Thank you in advance for your help!

Sophia M.