I am used to make reusable programs, and find myself having issues with how I use the local single quotes and double quotes. After a lot of trial and error with using double quotes around locals, I managed to get the following program to work. But I do not understand why this has to be this way. Sometimes I felt that I just spammed single and double quotes until it worked.

I think I can see why I need the single quotes when I define the local `names', but why do I have to use `"`names'"' when calling the function? This makes for so many quotes everywhere, and is confusing to both read and understand. Any suggestion to make this program more refined, or maybe help me understand why the quotes work as they do when I define and call the local `names' would be very welcome. I have tried to read https://www.stata.com/manuals13/u18.pdf at "18.3.5 Double quotes" and other forum posts, but I am still confused.

clear all
sysuse auto

capture program drop label_variables
program define label_variables
version 16.1
args var_list name_list
    ds `var_list'
    local n_words : word count `name_list'
    forvalues i = 1/`n_words' {
        local _var : word `i' of `r(varlist)'
        local _name : word `i' of `name_list'
        label variable `_var' "`_name'"

local names `""Make of Car" "Price of Car" "Mileage of Car""'
label_variables make-mpg `"`names'"'
describe make-mpg