Dear all,
I would need help setting up a dataset for STATA correctly.
I would like to perform a spatial autoregression using panel data. The interface available on STATA 16 is very intuitive, but I didn't understand how to set the dataset and in particular the shapefile to use (for the calculation of the spatial matrix).
In particular, my dataset refers to data distributed in space (38 contiguous polygons) and in time (1995-2017). I made sure that there were no temporal and spatial holes within the dataset.
The dataset is composed of a set of variables including the case identification ID (from 1 to 874), an ID_plan (from 1 to 38) which identifies the polygon in which each case falls in each year considered, and the variable YEAR.
The database is linked to a shapefile built for overlapping maps, since the cases (38 polygons) are repeated in the same position for each year (23 years).
I have a doubt; if the shapefile setting is correct since I can't set spset and xtset correctly as the IDs are different.
Thank you for your attention and I hope someone can help me.