Hello All (first post, be kind),

I am running teffects nnmatch and noticed the the 'Matching Variables:' were not be reported in the output when the option, dmvariables was added to the syntax of the specification.

As a test I watched an old Stata youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEqw...l=StataCorpLLC and then followed the tutorial provided in the Stata manual.

webuse cattaneo2

teffects nnmatch (bweight mage prenatal1 mmarried fbaby) (mbsmoke), dmvariables

teffects nnmatch (bweight mage fage) (mbsmoke), ematch(prenatal1 mmarried fbaby) biasadj(mage fage) dmvariables

And despite using this, provided by Stata, and using the exact code in the video. 'Matching Variables:' are not reported in the output.

Is there anyone who can help shine some light on this, or am I just missing something? I sent it to my colleague and he was unable to see 'Matching Variables' in the out put of Stata 15 as well.

I have looked everywhere and "dmvariables" only turns up the Stata documentation. I hope this first post is not horrible!!!

Thanks Statalist!!!