local y_title = "MIT Rate (%)"
local x_title = "YearGroup"
local title = "Top Marginal Income Tax Rate (MIT) by Region"
local sub_title = "(Avg. MIT in % 2003-2010 & 2011-2018)"
local footer = "Data Source: Individual income tax rates table - KPMG | GLOBAL - KPMG International"
#delimit ;
xtline mean_MIT_yearGroup_R, t(YearGroup) i(Region_Name) overlay
graphregion(color(white)) ytitle(`y_title', height(5) size(vsmall)) ylabel(, labsize(small))
xtitle(`x_title', size(vsmall)) xlabel(0 "Max MTR 2003-2010" 1 "Max MTR 2011-2018", labsize(tiny) angle(0.5))
title(`title', size(small))
subtitle(`sub_title', size (vsmall)) tline(0.5, lcolor(gs12) lpattern(dash))
legend(col(3) row (3) label(1 "East Asia & Pacific") label(2 "Europe & Central Asia")
label(3 "Latin America & The Caribbean")
label(4 "Middle East & North Africa") label(5 "North America")
label(6 "South Asia") label(7 "Sub-Saharan Africa")
size(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) symxsize(vsmall) position(12) ring(0.5))
text(-9 2015 "`footer'", size(tiny)) recast(connected) plot1opts(ms(Oh))
plot2opts(ms(Th)) plot3opts(ms(T)) plot4opts(ms(+))
plot5opts(ms(-)) plot6opts(ms(x)) plot7opts(ms(Dh)) msymbol(mean_MIT_yearGroup_R);
#delimit cr


I have the above code for the following graph. I want to display the values of "mean_MIT_yearGroup_R" on the graph. Can you help me how I can use mlabel() to display values in xtline grapgh? Thank you!