I am trying to create a code in Stata that allows me to perform the estimation of the difference of two distributions starting from the mean and se of estimated willingness to pay (WTP).
In theory I have to make one random draw from the m ∗ n, Xˆ i − Yˆ j combinations. In this paper the authors suggest that the significance of the difference be calculated a large number (L) of times and averaged across the L sample repetitions, using standard bootstrapping techniques of repeated sampling with replacement from the two distributions. Letting BL (Xˆ ) indicate the Lth random sampling with replacement from distribution Xˆ , and BL (Yˆ ) be the corresponding sample from Yˆ , then estimating the significance of the difference could be accomplished by computing the number of negative difference values as a proportion of all BL i (Xˆ ) − BL i (Yˆ ) paired differences, repeating this process for L bootstrap-replicated samples, and calculating the average proportion of negative differences across the L samples.
I copy here below the code used in Matlab which I was not able to re-tranlate in stata. WOuld any of you be so kind to help me (and probably many others in my situation) to construct a code for stata?
% Test differences treatment A vs B clear clc close all H = 1000; %produce H distribution, from each of them I draw one time HH = 1000; %number of draws from the mean p_valuesLess = 999*ones(18,2); p_valuesMore = 999*ones(18,2); p_values2Side = 999*ones(18,2); r = 1; t=1; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % load data without and with made for information Data =[ ]; Data_I =[ ]; for i=1:18 mC1=Data(r,1) mC2=Data(r+1,1) stC1=Data(r,2) stC2=Data(r+1,2) mC1_I=Data_I(r,1) mC2_I=Data_I(r+1,1) stC1_I=Data_I(r,2); stC2_I=Data_I(r+1,2); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Calculations R_1 = mvnrnd(mC1,stC1.^2,HH)'; R_2 = mvnrnd(mC2,stC2.^2,HH)'; R_1_I = mvnrnd(mC1_I,stC1_I.^2,HH)'; R_2_I = mvnrnd(mC2_I,stC2_I.^2,HH)'; % G&P test for mean values vectdiff_b1 = zeros(H,1); i=1; while i <= H for j=1:H vectdiff_b1(j,:)= R_1_I(1,i)' - R_1(1,j)' ; end if i <2 vectdiff_old = vectdiff_b1; else vectdiff_1 = vertcat(vectdiff_b1,vectdiff_old); vectdiff_old = vectdiff_1; end i= i+1; end vectdiff_b2 = zeros(H,1); i=1; while i <= H for j=1:H vectdiff_b2(j,:)= R_2_I(1,i)' - R_2(1,j)'; end if i <2 vectdiff_old = vectdiff_b2; else vectdiff_2 = vertcat(vectdiff_b2,vectdiff_old); vectdiff_old = vectdiff_2; end i= i+1; end [value_1, pvalue_1]= min(abs(sort(vectdiff_1))); [value_2, pvalue_2]= min(abs(sort(vectdiff_2))); %one side tests pvalue_Less = 999*ones(1,2); pvalue_Less(1,1) = 1-(pvalue_1/(H*H)); pvalue_Less(1,2) = 1-(pvalue_2/(H*H)); pvalue_More = 999*ones(1,2); pvalue_More(1,1) = (pvalue_1/(H*H)); pvalue_More(1,2) = (pvalue_2/(H*H)); % 2-tail test pvalue_2Side = 999*ones(1,2); if pvalue_1 > .5*(H*H) pvalue_2Side(1,1) = 2*(1- (pvalue_1(1)/(H*H))); else pvalue_2Side(1,1) = 2*(pvalue_1(1)/(H*H)); end if pvalue_2 > .5*(H*H) pvalue_2Side(1,2) = 2*(1- (pvalue_2(1)/(H*H))); else pvalue_2Side(1,2) = 2*(pvalue_2(1)/(H*H)); end %home country proud p_valuesLess(t,:) = pvalue_Less %inferiority complex p_valuesMore(t,:) = pvalue_More p_values2Side(t,:) = pvalue_2Side r=r+2 t=t+1 end
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