I am estimating the effect of parental separation on the amount of time a child spends with both biological parents simultaneously. We would expect when parents separate, children drop "two-parent time" to nearly zero. And that is what I find. However, I also looked at how "two-parent time" evolves during the years after parental separation, tracing up to 6 years later. We could expect a slight increase because normally biological parents start seeing each other a bit more once the breakup's stress/grief/etc has passed or calmed down. But I find that after "two-parent time" dropping to nearly 0 minutes a day in the first observation after separation, then it increases to an amount of time that it is difficult to believe. So then I controlled for a variable capturing whether the mother (who typically stays with the child after separation) starts a new relationship with another man, and that should explain the increase in "two-parent time". Indeed the descriptives show that two-parent time is way more when the mother finds a new partner, compared to when the mother is single, which makes total sense. We are talking about 7-10 minutes on average per day of two-parent time when the mother is single, compared to 65-130 minutes a day on average when the mother re-partners (the range represents the year of observation after separation). Here the analyses:
xtreg both i.timex ib1.rep_age moth_degree father_degree siblings english female i.state rem if day==1, fe margins timex, post noestimcheck marginsplot, title("Two-Parents Time") ylabel(0(100)300) /// yscale(range(-15 (75) 375)) /// graphregion(color(white)) /// plot1opts(msymbol(s) mcolor(gr8)lwidth(thin)) /// ciopts(recast(rcap) lcolor(gr8) lwidth(thin))
I get these results
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 14,865 Group variable: hicid Number of groups = 3,721 R-sq: Obs per group: within = 0.1790 min = 1 between = 0.0567 avg = 4.0 overall = 0.1241 max = 6 F(22,11122) = 110.22 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0947 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- both | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- timex | -4/-6 | -44.29691 28.51901 -1.55 0.120 -100.1992 11.60541 -2 | -39.79602 30.55646 -1.30 0.193 -99.69209 20.10005 0 | -158.4857 30.66365 -5.17 0.000 -218.5919 -98.37952 +2 | -125.0832 32.80271 -3.81 0.000 -189.3824 -60.78411 +4/+6 | -92.93226 33.57639 -2.77 0.006 -158.7479 -27.11659 | rep_age | 1 | 0 (empty) 4 | 167.4898 6.545673 25.59 0.000 154.6591 180.3205 6 | 135.185 6.418732 21.06 0.000 122.6031 147.7668 8 | 175.9095 6.501444 27.06 0.000 163.1656 188.6535 10 | -9.225281 6.295141 -1.47 0.143 -21.56487 3.11431 12 | -.1766192 6.343757 -0.03 0.978 -12.61151 12.25827 14 | 0 (omitted) | moth_degree | 18.59104 14.86358 1.25 0.211 -10.5442 47.72629 father_degree | -11.235 17.87196 -0.63 0.530 -46.2672 23.7972 siblings | -1.068718 9.012293 -0.12 0.906 -18.73441 16.59697 english | -19.51602 33.29769 -0.59 0.558 -84.7854 45.75336 female | 0 (omitted) | state | VIC | 62.18712 28.84275 2.16 0.031 5.650211 118.724 QLD | 41.34557 24.34281 1.70 0.089 -6.370648 89.06179 SA | 37.12378 36.57965 1.01 0.310 -34.57881 108.8264 WA | 51.92697 33.87054 1.53 0.125 -14.46528 118.3192 TAS | -.5626034 49.98316 -0.01 0.991 -98.53847 97.41326 NT | 15.09654 45.20512 0.33 0.738 -73.51351 103.7066 ACT | 4.79004 35.14362 0.14 0.892 -64.09769 73.67777 | rem | 65.72277 22.23282 2.96 0.003 22.1425 109.303 _cons | 65.15493 35.34026 1.84 0.065 -4.118244 134.4281 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | 149.78 sigma_e | 199.42452 rho | .36065175 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F test that all u_i=0: F(3720, 11122) = 1.62 Prob > F = 0.0000 margins timex, post noestimcheck Predictive margins Number of obs = 14,865 Model VCE : Conventional Expression : Linear prediction, predict() Delta-method Margin Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] timex -8/-10 164.1324 4.190609 39.17 0.000 155.9189 172.3458 -4/-6 119.8355 24.87412 4.82 0.000 71.08309 168.5879 -2 124.3364 27.02868 4.60 0.000 71.36112 177.3116 0 5.646679 27.07686 0.21 0.835 -47.423 58.71635 +2 39.04915 29.3349 1.33 0.183 -18.4462 96.54449 +4/+6 71.20013 30.13596 2.36 0.018 12.13474 130.2655
If you need more code, results or analyses just let me know and I happy to paste them here.
Thank you so so much!!!
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