I am trying to process a hospital dataset using ICD-10 codes
For example, I have created a variable "inclusion", which is a binary variable that indicates whether a procedure fits a inclusion criteria specified by a series of ICD-10 codes by repeating the following code many times:
replace inclusion=1 if inlist(diagnosiscode1, "O00","O00.0","O00.00","O00.01","O00.1","O00.1 0"," O00.101","O00.102","O00.109")
I have to include all the relevant ICD-10 codes from:

O00-O08 Difficulties in pregnancy,
O60-O69 Difficulties in delivery,
O70-O75 Difficulties during labour

In total, there are hundreds of ICD-10 codes, and it would be very useful to me not to specify each one, and instead, use a contain expression, which would allow me to identify when diagnosiscode1 "contains "O00" for example. which hopefully would pick up all relevant sub ICD10 codes in that category.

Is this possible in STATA?