Stata Code:

program my2sls
regress son_yrs_schooling ib(first).age_cohort father_yrs_schooling ib(last).father_occupation Landholding_acre hh_size ib(first).sector ib(last).race_dummy ib(first).monthly_per_capita_income if son_age>=15 & son_age<=65
predict sonscl_hat, xb

mlogit son_occ_3 ib(first).age_cohort son_yrs_schooling_hat ib(last).fater_occupation Landholding_acre hh_size ib(first).sector ib(last).race_dummy ib(first).monthly_per_capita_income if son_age_1>=15 & son_age_1<=65, base(5)

bootstrap, reps(100): my2sls

But, I got this error:

"insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
no results will be saved"

1) I want to get out of this error
2) I am calculating the average predicted probability of the variables of equation II (mlogit) by typing command "eststo margin: margins (age_cohort), post", how can I get bootstrapped CIs for such estimations.