As the title indicates, the command -shp2dta- is giving me a coordinates file with zero observations, when in fact there are polygons in the shapefile.
Code and output:
. shp2dta using ../2019-zoning-by-law-569-2013-wgs84/ZONING_HEIGHT_WGS84.shp, coord(zonecoord) data(zonedata) replace type: 5 . use zonecoord, clear . count 0 . use zonedata, clear . count 2,475
If someone wants to replicate this, the data is at, the 2019 file specifically.
Also if someone wants to replicate this, I found that I had to open the DBF file, widen the columns, and then save. Otherwise, I get an error on reading the DBF file. However, since -shp2dta- reads the DBF file after the shapefile, there should still be an empty coordinates file in the even of a DBF import error.
I am running Stata 15 on Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.
Thanks for any/all assistance. Array
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