Dear All,

I am trying to use the reshape command on the data attached, but I keep receiving this error.

reshape long a, i(combined) j(prod, string) 
(note: j = a aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az b ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh b
> i bj bk bl bm bn bu bv bw bx by bz c ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz d da db
>  dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz e ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en
>  eo ep eq er es et eu f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)

variable id does not uniquely identify the observations
    Your data are currently wide.  You are performing a reshape long.  You specified i(combined) and j(prod).  In
    the current wide form, variable combined should uniquely identify the observations.  Remember this picture:

         long                                wide
        +---------------+                   +------------------+
        | i   j   a   b |                   | i   a1 a2  b1 b2 |
        |---------------| <--- reshape ---> |------------------|
        | 1   1   1   2 |                   | 1   1   3   2  4 |
        | 1   2   3   4 |                   | 2   5   7   6  8 |
        | 2   1   5   6 |                   +------------------+
        | 2   2   7   8 |
    Type reshape error for a list of the problem observations.

My goal of this code is to create a "prod" variable with all of the variable names (such as "White bread, 1 kg (supermarket)") inputted as individual entries underneath the "prod" variable. The reason I have 2 rows which (one of which has variable names aa, ab, ac, etc. and the other with the actual product names themselves, "White bread, 1 kg (supermarket)," is due to STATA's 32 character limit. It was causing me issues, so I tried to work around it by reshaping with an additional row.

I would also like to make another variable "store_type" in which it either says "supermarket" or "mid-priced store" and no longer having this information captured in the individual data entires themselves. So, to clarify, in the end I would have variables: year, country, city, currency, prod, and store_type. Under "prod" it would display "White bread, 1 kg," for example, and under "store_type" it would show either "supermarket" or "mid-priced store."

I'm sorry if this is a simple question--I'm just becoming more familiar with STATA and appreciate any and all suggestions you all may have.

Many thanks,

EIU submit attempt.dta
Submit EIU
5EIU Data.xlsx