Hi all,

first of all: sorry if my description of the problem is not "on point" - my main problem is, that I do not know how this problem is called in "real statistical language" and therefore I struggle finding ways to deal with it via search engines or in stata.

In my data set I am exploring the effects of gender and migration background on certain behavioural patterns.
I created 3 dummy variables:
1.) female, no migration background
2.) male, migration background
3.) female no migration background

With different regression models I was able to show significant differences between groups 1-3 and the "base group 0 (male, no migration background").

But I am also interested, if there are significant differences between group 1 and 3 (females with and without migration background)

I know, that I could just do another regression with group 1 as base group and 0, 2 and 3 as comparison groups. But there must be an easier way to check if there are differences between those dummies?

I would be super grateful for any hints on how I could calculate this more simply and show it in a easier way!

Thanks so much in advance!

Best, Karo