Hi all,

I have a problem in estimation with panel data. I would like to study the correlation between log GDP pro capite (as indipendent variables) and log Water Footprint pro capite (as dependent variables) in a Panel Dataset with T=44 and N= 119. I'am using as estimator the CCEMG (common correlated effects mean group) and the AMG (augmented mean group). I want to weigh my data for the population,so that if a country has got, for example, the 0,1% of the gloal population in a certain year, his observation in that year will count for 0,1%. I tried with the expansion of the dataset, where, for example, if in 1970 china has got 10 times the population of the country with less population of the dataset, in that year china has 10 lines, but the outcome was a database with 2 milions of lines and the CCEMG and AMG don't work with such a database.
Can you suggest me how to estimate the coefficients of the model weighing for population or a different way to weigh the observations before the estimation?