I am trying to run a DID where I have an interaction variable that I would like to see leads and lags for. My data is monthly, so I was thinking I could look back 6 months forwards and backwards for my regression. I am being faced with the error that "time variable not set," when I use my interaction variable "post_softdrinks" which I created using this code:
gen post_softdrink = (prod =="Softdrinks") * (td_combined_date>=td(01mar2016)) //interaction var w/soft drinks after the change in the tax
reg rel_px ib30.id_new _Icombined_* L(-5/5).new_post_softdrink if country=="UK" & test_include_prod==1 & year>=2015 , robust
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str21 prod float td_combined_date str7 country float(rel_px post_softdrink) "Electricitygasandot" 19724 "UK" 1.0753354 0 "Sugar" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0343435 0 "Food" 19724 "UK" 1.0653728 0 "Chocolate" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0214777 0 "Confectioneryproducts" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0496109 0 "Footwear" 19724 "Ireland" .9747818 0 "Meat" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0602767 0 "Fruit" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0621866 0 "Edibleicesandicecre" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Floursandothercereal" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0117648 0 "Tea" 19724 "Ireland" .9939699 0 "Yoghurt" 19724 "Ireland" 1.018664 0 "Confectioneryproducts" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Footwear" 19724 "UK" .9770688 0 "Coffee" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0166975 0 "Fish" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0341365 0 "Mineralorspringwater" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Freshwholemilk" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0208126 0 "Tobacco" 19724 "Ireland" .9005347 0 "Eggs" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Tobacco" 19724 "UK" .8888889 0 "Food" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0420744 0 "Rice" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Breadandcereals" 19724 "UK" 1.041456 0 "Milkcheeseandeggs" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0206084 0 "Crisps" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Mineralwaterssoftdr" 19724 "UK" 1.0090271 0 "Freshwholemilk" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Fruit" 19724 "UK" .9902344 0 "Freshlowfatmilk" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Housingwaterelectri" 19724 "Ireland" .9859013 0 "Fish" 19724 "UK" 1.0695021 0 "Sugar" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Sugarjamhoneychoc" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0362117 0 "Mineralwaterssoftdr" 19724 "Ireland" 1 0 "Fruitandvegetablejui" 19724 "Ireland" .9882237 0 "Yoghurt" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Coffeeteaandcocoa" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0019418 0 "Eggs" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0430107 0 "Jamsmarmaladesandho" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Milkcheeseandeggs" 19724 "UK" 1.0894141 0 "Coffee" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Vegetables" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0360624 0 "Mineralorspringwater" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0270813 0 "Bread" 19724 "Ireland" 1.056 0 "Softdrinks" 19724 "Ireland" 1 0 "Cocoaandpowderedchoc" 19724 "Ireland" .9790276 0 "Freshlowfatmilk" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0119402 0 "Jamsmarmaladesandho" 19724 "Ireland" .9854369 0 "Cocoaandpowderedchoc" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Rice" 19724 "Ireland" .9836364 0 "Coffeeteaandcocoa" 19724 "UK" 1.035 0 "Fruitandvegetablejui" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Softdrinks" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Electricitygasandot" 19724 "Ireland" 1.1135902 0 "Chocolate" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Crisps" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0491159 0 "Sugarjamhoneychoc" 19724 "UK" 1.0389345 0 "Meat" 19724 "UK" 1.0703206 0 "Floursandothercereal" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Housingwaterelectri" 19724 "UK" .98999 0 "Allitems" 19724 "Ireland" .997 0 "Edibleicesandicecre" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0924288 0 "Tea" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Breadandcereals" 19724 "Ireland" 1.0509305 0 "Vegetables" 19724 "UK" 1.1340206 0 "Allitems" 19724 "UK" .988024 0 "Bread" 19724 "UK" . 0 "Confectioneryproducts" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Electricitygasandot" 19755 "Ireland" 1.1146045 0 "Meat" 19755 "UK" 1.0775595 0 "Coffeeteaandcocoa" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0320388 0 "Coffeeteaandcocoa" 19755 "UK" 1.025 0 "Fruit" 19755 "UK" .9736328 0 "Vegetables" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0185186 0 "Tobacco" 19755 "Ireland" .9005347 0 "Mineralorspringwater" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Chocolate" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Crisps" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0658153 0 "Mineralwaterssoftdr" 19755 "UK" 1.0351053 0 "Freshwholemilk" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Sugarjamhoneychoc" 19755 "UK" 1.0379099 0 "Breadandcereals" 19755 "UK" 1.057634 0 "Floursandothercereal" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Freshwholemilk" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0188305 0 "Eggs" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Electricitygasandot" 19755 "UK" 1.0773994 0 "Tobacco" 19755 "UK" .8898636 0 "Chocolate" 19755 "Ireland" .975945 0 "Milkcheeseandeggs" 19755 "UK" 1.0935252 0 "Mineralwaterssoftdr" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0350379 0 "Tea" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0211055 0 "Sugar" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Housingwaterelectri" 19755 "Ireland" .9899295 0 "Yoghurt" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0196463 0 "Sugar" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0414141 0 "Confectioneryproducts" 19755 "Ireland" 1.0321012 0 "Floursandothercereal" 19755 "Ireland" 1.017647 0 "Fruitandvegetablejui" 19755 "UK" . 0 "Allitems" 19755 "Ireland" 1.002 0 end format %d td_combined_date
0 Response to Leads and lags in a DID: "time variable not set" error
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