just wondering if anyone has, or knows of, a program to calculate the "relative improvement over chance" version of Kappa; it is not in official Stata or in -kappaetc-; my immediate situation is an N of about 100, 2 raters and 2 binary ratings per subject; here are some citations:
Loeber, R and Dishion, T (1983), "Early predictors of male delinquency", Psychological Bulletin, 94: 68-99
Cairney, J and Streiner, DL (2011), "Using relative improvement over chance (RIOC) to examine agreement between tests", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32: 87-92
Streiner, DL, Norman, GR, Cairney, J (2015), Health Measurement Scales, fifth edition, Oxford U press; discussed on pp. 177-8 (with formula)
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