I use oaxaca_rif user written command by Rios-Avila (Rios-Avila, F. 2020. Recentered influence functions (RIFs) in Stata: RIF regression and RIF decomposition. Stata Journal, 20(1), 51-94. https://doi.org/10.1177/1536867X20909690). I want to graph pure explained and pure unexplained estimates by deciles/quintiles on one graph. Here is the command for estimating oaxaca decomposition using RIF funcion by deciles:
webuse nlswork, clear
forvalues i=10(10)90{
oaxaca_rif ln_wage age grade tenure if year==88, by(union) rif(q(`i')) rwprobit(age grade tenure) nose
I don't like graphs by coefplot command, I prefer the graph as it looks like after conditional quintile regression. For example:
qreg ln_wage age grade tenure
grqreg, ci ols olsci title(Fig.1a Fig.1b Fig.1c)
I hope someone will help me, it is important to have nice graph in a paper.
Best wishes,
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