I'm working on country wise regressions and using different codes on forum ran the following:
levelsof cty, local(country) local file E:\2014V7.xls foreach c of local country{ capture reg dv l.dv var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 if cty ==`c' if c(rc) == 0 { outreg2 using "`file'", append bdec(3) tdec(3) rdec(3) pdec(3) stats(coef se) ctitle("dv" `e(model)'`c') title("OLS by Country") addstat("F-Stat",e(F),"Prob > F",e(p)) } else if !inlist(2000, 2001){ display as error "Unexpected error with cty == `c'" } }
Thank you.
Best regards,
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