I'm running into a puzzling situation where I'm receiving the "file [XYZ] could not be opened" error while attempting to use -estout- (from ssc) to output regression tables—except when outputting tables as tex files. My understanding is that the "file could not be opened" error often points to a problem with folder read/write permissions. This is not an issue in my case as I have administrator rights on the computer I'm using. (If it were, I imagine it would also apply to outputting tex files.)

Code example below; #(1) works, but #(2) and #(3) don't.

What am I missing? Thanks in advance for your help.

ssc install estout, replace
sysuse auto, clear

// regression
estimates clear
eststo: quietly reg price mpg

// (1) -estout- to tex - works
capture noisily estout using "mpg_reg.tex", replace

// (2) -estout- to rtf - returns "file mpg_reg.rtf could not be opened"
capture noisily estout using "mpg_reg.rtf", replace

// (3) -estout- to csv - returns "file mpg_reg.csv could not be opened"
capture noisily estout using "mpg_reg.csv", replace