Dear all,

I am examining the effect of introduction of minimum wage on employment, my dependent variable is probability of employment(binary "0" or "1") and have many independent variables (age,sex, marital status, minimum wage (dummy)). My treatment group is those household whose income have to be lifted following the introduction of minimum wage and control group those income already above the minimum wage level. It is a panel data starting from year 2017 to 2019 with the same household (the minimum wage is introduced in 2018). My pre time period is year before introduction of minimum wage (2017) and post is the year after(2018-2019).

I have run the linear difference to difference steps in stata but the results do not seem good. I am reading further and found that logit difference to difference method is the appropriate method but i am confused on how to proceed in stata. I have read the article of Puhani (2008 ) and Blundell and Costas Dias (2006)

I shall be grateful if some help on help how to proceed further.

thanks a lot