xtset school_id xtreg marks_end_year marks_beggining_year $student_characteristics i.discipline, fe base vce(robust)
predict fe_school, u
I have 3 quick questions:
1- for me to obtain the average outcome of each school I can just simple add 1.238747 to each individual fixed effect. Am I right?
2- I thought by using fixed effects we would always require to set a reference unit, so our fixed effects would be in comparison to that unit. And that random effects would give us the fixed effects around 0 so like around a central value. But if I run xtreg, fe and then get the fixed effects as per the above, I do get individual fixed effects that are deviations from the regression constant term, and not in reference to any particular unit. Can someone comment on this please?
3- how can I calculate 95% confidence intervals for those individual fixed effects u?
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