Hi there,

I have two questions please.

1) I have conducted 2 chi squares one on "sex of the child" and one on "condition type" can I combine these for results output or does it just make more sense to display them separately? and
2) I thought I had changed the group data labels to Group 1 = "Population" and Group 2 = "Survey", but it didn't work, what might I have done wrong here?

Sex of the | Group
child | 1 2 | Total
Male | 367 71 | 438
| 372.2 65.8 | 438.0
| 0.1 0.4 | 0.5
Female | 266 41 | 307
| 260.8 46.2 | 307.0
| 0.1 0.6 | 0.7
Total | 633 112 | 745
| 633.0 112.0 | 745.0
| 0.2 1.0 | 1.2

Pearson chi2(1) = 1.1518 Pr = 0.283
Fisher's exact = 0.299
1-sided Fisher's exact = 0.166

bilateral or |
unilateral spastic | Group
type | 1 2 | Total
Unknown / Non-spastic | 118 27 | 145
| 123.2 21.8 | 145.0
| 0.2 1.2 | 1.5
BSCP | 265 37 | 302
| 256.6 45.4 | 302.0
| 0.3 1.6 | 1.8
USCP | 250 48 | 298
| 253.2 44.8 | 298.0
| 0.0 0.2 | 0.3
Total | 633 112 | 745
| 633.0 112.0 | 745.0
| 0.5 3.0 | 3.6

Pearson chi2(2) = 3.5594 Pr = 0.169
Fisher's exact = 0.161

Many thanks for your help in advance, I hope you have a lovely Monday,