
I would like to calculate the maximum drawdown from asset returns (and not prices). The definition from Investopedia is the following:
"A drawdown is a peak-to-trough decline during a specific period for an investment. A drawdown is usually quoted as the percentage between the peak and the subsequent trough. If a trading account has $10,000 in it, and the funds drop to $9,000 before moving back above $10,000, then the trading account witnessed a 10% drawdown."

I have found the following Stata module but it does the job with a time series of prices (and not returns):
ssc install maxdrawdown

 capt program drop _all mata: mata clear  version 13.1 mata: mata set matastrict on void down(string scalar varlist, /// string scalar touse) { real colvector x,maxdrawdown st_view(x,.,varlist,touse) N=length(x) drawdown=J(N,1,0) for (i=2;i<=N;i++){ c=max(x[(1::i)]) if (c==x[i]){ drawdown[i]=0 } else{ drawdown[i]=(x[i]-c)/c } } maxdrawdown=min(drawdown); st_numscalar("r(drawdown)",maxdrawdown[1]) } end  program maxdrawdown,rclass *! varextrema1.0.0 version 13.1 syntax varlist(numeric)[if] [in] marksample touse mata:down("`varlist'","`touse'") display as txt "maxdrawdown(`varlist')=" as res r(drawdown) return scalar maxdrawdown=r(drawdown) end
Here is the data I have. CAR_S returns are expressed in % here:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(ym CAR_S)
193   -4.955649465375698
194   -6.339490131920598
195  -2.2085909105983883
196   5.0697072999447546
197   1.5230009468702013
198    .4465776036932692
199   1.6849011886329255
200   -.3153071843080411
201   1.0034142523957397
202    3.173579966108508
203    .3626220170161193
204   3.7606463036604745
205   1.6097575927271197
206   1.5511188873208348
207   -.5901847848517586
208    1.022720013505459
209    .8956018347505074
210    -9.06956574407067
211   -4.356956415343178
212    .8692812643197029
213    2.155593145782702
214   -1.105166282830968
215  -1.9155843469957576
216    2.394801626547746
217    .2413081226243894
218    4.677405785053766
219   2.5613313637882698
220    .9572651020898989
221    .5885842700802983
222   -2.341790344477331
223   1.0768635318696078
224    .5129555054158106
225   1.8504713044698482
226    5.721799946508766
227  -.40342807934669833
228    3.986336890125122
229    .8113956057296925
230       4.813445457096
231     2.45576711718332
232   .21289686762756188
233   1.7124875966774804
234   1.1436768405005182
235   2.6345094579980612
236 -.007732036831873401
237    3.590608189676082
238    1.215903951037156
239   -.5466841823464981
240   1.5514306796014525
241    2.894552477629012
242   -.9724231404096386
243   -3.388116209394454
244   2.2770837124208687
245 -.047009329370436115
246   1.1231010098306924
247   1.0156940088288544
248    .9350310254615996
249   1.4001954350949577
250  -.19086276571913174
251   -1.730841501540115
252    3.326560411905674
253   -.6055385093723241
254   -.2330857297221054
255   2.0090884593451195
256    .8087691581694171
257    -.860190504754828
258    2.783416631801735
259    .4189224092838906
260   2.5616379593537895
261  -1.7545000467375578
262   -2.418127025423753
263   1.3396784957990593
264   1.1709206337278675
265   -1.320829458386171
266     .462360687258057
267   1.9000914417279373
268   2.9679684801061432
269   -.9998566749570248
270    1.012491305122047
271  -.13482369096798166
272   1.4429577138271052
273    .4836774477703438
274  -1.9621027902266837
275  -1.7251334281134019
276    .8021924416397117
277   1.5691281499534069
278  -1.7022888575502682
279    1.046120612915143
280    .9219742775645444
281   -.7226977368491909
282   1.1101008297093193
283   1.0807732720386911
284    -.543479577743237
285    .9559707941618126
286    1.293485372141531
287   .25298857629446225
288   1.9385891487724078
289   .14288137609656726
290    .7208830272759534
291    2.251307370696712
292    .7799676743364827
format %tm ym
I would like to calculate the global maximum drawdown and then, if possible, being able to calculate a few local maximum drawdown by selecting particular periods. Please help! Thanks.