Dear All, I was asked this question ( Suppose that I have the data and code as
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(v1 id)
  .1812867065354394 1
.11979404113813726 2
.15310145083000348 3
.08029177505430556 4
.019067285258387193 5
.015741907801228243 6
.003593553058542734 7

label value id way
label define way 1 "自己储蓄投资" 2"子女赡养" 3"社会养老保险" 4 "离退休工资" 5"商业养老保险" 6"配偶亲属支持" 7 "其他方式"
graph bar (asis) v1, over(id) ytitle("")  ///  
         asyvars ylabel(0(0.02)0.2) ylabel(0 "0.00%" 0.02 "2.00%" 0.04 "4.00%" 0.06 "6.00%"  ///
         0.08 "8.00%" 0.1 "10.00%" 0.12 "12.00%" 0.14 "14.00%" 0.16 "16.00%" 0.18 "18.00%" 0.2 "20.00%",angle(0) nogrid) ///
         title("家庭养老方式选择" ,pos(6)) legend(col(1) pos(1) ring(0) size(small))  ///
         blabel(bar, position(outside) format(%9.4f) color(black)) ///
The graph isArray
But the desired one is (with percentage on the top of the bar)Array
Any suggestionsa re highly appreciated.