Hello ,

I'm working on computing age of firms from incorporation date. Some of the dates in my data are listed in dd/mm/yyyy format while others in yyyy format. I used the following commands to generate two variables date and date1 and age1 and age2 :

gen int date = daily( INCORPORATION_DATE , "DMY", 2019
gen int date1 = daily( INCORPORATION_DATE , "Y", 2019)
gen age1= (td(1jan2020) - date1 )/365.25
gen age2 = (td(1jan2020) - date)/365.25
Please see below the sample data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str10 INCORPORATION_DATE int(date date1) float(age1 age2)
"29/12/1992"  12051      .         .  27.00616
"27/09/1969"   3557      .         .  50.26146
"30/06/1992"  11869      .         .  27.50445
"11/06/2007"  17328      .         .  12.55852
"07/05/1962"    857      .         .  57.65366
"03/09/1985"   9377      .         .  34.32717
"09/10/2008"  17814      .         . 11.227926
"24/04/1989"  10706      .         .  30.68857
"26/09/2000"  14879      .         .  19.26352
"23/04/1993"  12166      .         . 26.691307
"02/04/2004"  16163      .         . 15.748117
"19/11/2007"  17489      .         . 12.117727
"21/11/1985"   9456      .         .  34.11088
"19/09/2000"  14872      .         .  19.28268
"21/06/2006"  16973      .         . 13.530458
"20/12/2006"  17155      .         .  13.03217
"29/06/2007"  17346      .         .  12.50924
"10/12/2010"  18606      .         .  9.059548
"18/07/2001"  15174      .         . 18.455853
"17/09/2008"  17792      .         . 11.288158
"22/02/2010"  18315      .         .  9.856263
"01/11/2005"  16741      .         .  14.16564
"26/09/2002"  15609      .         . 17.264887
"22/07/2002"  15543      .         . 17.445585
"27/07/1993"  12261      .         .  26.43121
"08/09/1925" -12533      .         .  94.31348
"1902"            . -21184 117.99863         .
"04/03/2003"  15768      .         . 16.829569
"05/10/2002"  15618      .         . 17.240246
"21/05/2007"  17307      .         . 12.616016

I want to generate a single column for age by merging age1 and age2 variables. Could someone please help with the code or guide me as to a better way to do this.

Thank you.