Hi everyone,

I am not sure if this is a specific Stata question, if not I am sorry.

I am working on a dataset that has monthly data of stock returns from banks as dependend variable (variable = exreturn) and independend variables which are "mktminusrf" "smb_5" "hml" "rmw" "cma" "funding". When I do my regression without holding for time-fixed effects I am getting the right results

reg exreturn mktminusrf smb_5 hml rmw cma funding, vce(robust)
However, I try to do a time-fixed regression as this was done by some other researchers with similar data. My issue is that I do not understand how I should set up the panel data and hold for time-fixed effects.
Everytime when I read something here or watch a video I always see that the fixed effects are hold by an "ID" and the panel date is set up like this
xtset id year, yearly
and afterwards run by the code
xtreg y x1 x2, fe

Therefore my question might be more a theoretical question, I hope this is okay and somebody can help me out:
Is it possible to run a time-fixed regression with this dataset that you see below? And if yes, how should I set my panel data up.

My idea was to hold for fixed year or month but doing this poriveds me a result which I believe cannot be correct
reg exreturn mktminusrf smb_5 hml rmw cma funding  i.year, robust

Extra information: The variable exreturn (dependend variable) is a Portfolio of 40 stocks from the same industry

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int year byte month double(funding smb_5 hml rmw cma rf exreturn)
2010  1 -.3933305349832981   .25   .61 -1.18   .41   0                  .
2010  2 -.4309383413670224  1.53  2.74  -.55  1.43   0  1.079242090318634
2010  3 -.0141456717752401  1.85  2.01   -.9  1.67 .01   7.86393930364869
2010  4 -.3451440767419464  5.03  3.12   .49  1.69 .01  7.512007394694056
2010  5 -.4262781423107988  -.08 -2.32  1.38  -.18 .01 -7.985979824222703
2010  6  -.371163521472528 -2.59 -4.27  -.34 -1.48 .01 -6.335626764257626
2010  7  -.024398109698932   .13   .04   .32  2.03 .01  2.881855746293185
2010  8 -.4337655287944647 -3.07 -1.51   .34 -2.13 .01  -9.47372995462771
2010  9 -.2048099491622005  3.71 -2.94  -.01   .39 .01  6.938139934459893
2010 10 -.0729573838647816   .72 -2.23  1.46  -.16 .01  -1.05813682753868
2010 11 -.3881111120403277  3.54  -.58   -.1  1.76 .01 -.2466604777739863
2010 12  .1058078519319547  1.03  3.47 -3.44  3.44 .01  14.13006373515285
2011  1 -.3926004371311564 -2.38   .68 -1.07    .8 .01 -.7969297791341908
2011  2 -.4062703543627456  1.76  1.73 -1.76   .72 .01  .5468279827189715
2011  3 -.3648256507560639  2.66 -1.16  1.21  -.03 .01  .9523648032545907
2011  4 -.4321655271184945  -.41 -2.15   .96 -1.28   0  .5892439640544306
2011  5 -.3267984264572796  -.69 -2.12  2.02 -1.46   0  -1.49001583687659
2011  6 -.2500915499918396   .09  -.26  2.16  -1.4   0 -2.242232233723338
2011  7 -.3658353605515791 -1.38 -1.18  2.41 -1.75   0 -3.803201280158997
2011  8 -.3068993764872049 -3.39 -1.58  2.79  -.23 .01 -10.01027367894514
2011  9   -.26837506428909  -3.9  -.98  1.71   .24   0 -9.691976652945483
2011 10 -.3872412082164993  3.72  -.96 -1.42  -.86   0  14.10180765195524
2011 11 -.4345422286371686  -.34  -.18  1.46  1.52   0 -.7010521563359489
2011 12 -.4031635549919299  -.36  1.57   .59  2.44   0   2.80698102953636
2012  1 -.2686391422356094  2.35 -2.14 -1.05 -1.41   0  4.812300227465119
2012  2 -.4327092170083873 -1.54   .01  -.17  -.03   0  4.929256079524911
2012  3 -.4036606428912604   -.3  -.06   .25   .77   0  6.134441796438536
2012  4 -.4073266661488228  -.66   -.2   .96   .72   0 -.6589440873023984
2012  5  -.392320825187783   -.2   .08  1.98  2.37 .01 -5.232003502156303
2012  6 -.3499596157667108   .99   .54 -1.48   .37   0  3.161005632020767
2012  7 -.3997460756840325 -2.74   .01   .68   .12   0 -2.194379715301951
2012  8 -.2152798630418495   .61    .6  -.77  -.69 .01  3.209782285250071
2012  9 -.3207090996904808   .69  1.56 -1.14  1.57 .01  3.744035044489593
2012 10 -.3458741745940881   -.8  4.16 -1.35  2.28 .01 -.0112728353654932
2012 11 -.4301461075274643   .41 -1.12   .94   .93 .01 -1.707135468131021
2012 12  -.348421750078157  1.91  3.26 -1.75   .88 .01  3.042648155235065
2013  1 -.3217032754891418   .57  1.34 -1.88  1.47   0  4.353588346029981
2013  2 -.3033110232139128  -.35   .28  -.96   .49   0  1.795811335142117
2013  3 -.3892140258169673    .9  -.07   .13  1.21   0  4.731694854308732
2013  4  .0938156063606059 -2.32   .35   .04   .39   0 -1.228710327935455
2013  5 -.1475205687643588  2.27  1.33  -.71  -.83   0  4.940060638818191
2013  6 -.3079867562669904  1.33   -.4  -.47   .01   0  2.524169010641897
2013  7 -.2844372170362073  1.81   .71 -1.43   .53   0  7.810874448103843
2013  8 -.3654470106302271  -.03 -2.48   .85 -2.13   0 -3.497821482444668
2013  9 -.0458660933512685  2.72 -1.57   -.1 -1.32   0  1.662269053409684
2013 10  .1428253664352239 -1.57  1.36  2.83   .89   0  3.530331927754367
2013 11  -.311854721483656  1.47  -.38   .77   .12   0  5.958017535781948
2013 12 -.3969188882565902  -.44   -.2  -.57   .07   0  1.758179600545098
2014  1 -.4001033576116764   .56 -1.88  -4.5 -1.42   0 -3.509387301462624
2014  2 -.2543478651298571   .16  -.49  -.49   -.4   0  2.497577726394331
2014  3 -.0462855112663287 -1.23   4.6  1.76  1.91   0  4.418488481502361
2014  4  .3741421135893079 -4.21  1.62  2.85  1.09   0 -5.144931450627418
2014  5  -.214192483262064 -1.83  -.38   .45 -1.09   0 -.1524946883270472
2014  6  5.119203394626711  3.04   -.6  -1.9  -1.9   0  5.056250663074426
2014  7  .6428957931617213 -4.16   .04  1.48   .44   0 -3.606526297369947
2014  8 -.0663865031955063    .3  -.76  -.91  -.65   0  2.334665259623833
2014  9 -.2642274871290511  -3.8 -1.68  1.28  -.62   0 -2.045957417917509
2014 10 -.2376954205022849  3.79 -1.81  -.78  -.18   0  3.921821214508064
2014 11 -.2130740354885704 -2.27 -3.37  1.69   .15   0  .2556962153253985
2014 12    2.6553250856076  2.85  1.56 -1.52   .81   0  1.699910054766814
2015  1 -.2924061574223497  -.91 -3.06  1.09 -1.67   0 -9.063475876310159
2015  2 -.2044215992408486   .35 -2.16   .06 -1.62   0  7.821358748819074
2015  3 -.1474428987800883  3.07  -.73   .16  -.54   0  1.178161237891585
2015  4  1.668465799464843 -2.99  2.13   .41  -.49   0  1.169923120498791
2015  5  .1219010726727801   .85  -1.9 -1.54  -.68   0  2.282959490396854
2015  6  .1296991390935276  2.88 -1.04  1.03 -1.51   0  4.042932941219418
2015  7  .3822663939439909  -4.5 -4.49   .31  -2.6   0 -.4668957188768061
2015  8  .2912371723790906   .38  2.88   .75  1.14   0 -5.438906417704657
2015  9  .4157110891708222 -2.81   .73  1.66   -.5   0  -1.03380138198852
2015 10   5.63291267059109 -2.05  -.32  1.19   .45   0  4.103701862358857
2015 11  .1172253396197023  3.35 -1.23 -2.11    -1   0  4.884271693531828
2015 12  -.382441203188589    -3 -2.07   .45   .17 .01 -5.998214832502895
2016  1 -.1641108774045147 -3.56  3.13  2.27     3 .01 -9.570953046717952
2016  2 -.3199323998477768   .87  -.03  2.44  2.09 .02 -3.224477640041395
2016  3 -.0534622178129129  1.01   1.3   .58   .07 .02  7.358411454974729
Edit// I also believe the titel is a bit misleading I am also sorry for this
