I am producing tables using estout but even though the code creates a row for them, it won't produce any results in the table for r, df_r and bic for any of my regressions.

xtset pid
xtreg tenure FBAny Satisfaction $ControlsFixed
estimates store m10, title(Tenure)
gen SampleSize1 = e(sample)
xtreg tenure FBAny $ControlsFixed if SampleSize ==1
estimates store m11, title(Tenure)
xtreg Satisfaction FBAny $ControlsFixed if SampleSize ==1
estimates store m12, title(Satisfaction)
ssc install estout, replace
estout m11 m12 m10, cells(b(star fmt(3)) se(par fmt(2))) legend label varlabels(_cons constant), stats(r2 df_r bic)

Did I do something wrong? My actual regressions that produced m11, m12 and m10 all show r-squared values.