could somebody give me an advice on how to calculate median follow-up time?
Thank you very much for your help.
Diagdat = Date of diagnosis
lBeo = last observation

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int(Diagdat lBeo) byte Status long id
20313 22022 1   18230
18396 19362 0   14134
20481 22022 1   18551
19423 22022 1   16346
18976 22022 1   15389
18365 21655 0 8350302
18044 20103 0   13457
19424 22116 1   16342
20178 20943 0 8384912
19309 20181 1 8366678
format %td Diagdat
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY lBeo
label values Status Status
label def Status 0 "alive", modify
label def Status 1 "died", modify

stset lBeo, id(id) origin (Diagdat) failure(Status=1) scale (30.25)