Dear All,
is this normal to get a results like below while using interactions (my variables got omitted).I am little bit confused since i am very new to Stata and first I ma trying with interactions .
Can any one help on this ,I really appreciate your comments
reg NPL_asset d_MP Boone_Ind NIM  lasset CapitalRatio c.d_MP##c.Boone_Ind ,robust
note: d_MP omitted because of collinearity
note: Boone_Ind omitted because of collinearity

Linear regression                               Number of obs     =        560
                                                F(6, 553)         =       2.48
                                                Prob > F          =     0.0224
                                                R-squared         =     0.0066
                                                Root MSE          =     .43883

                   |               Robust
         NPL_asset |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              d_MP |  -.1060918   .1528812    -0.69   0.488    -.4063906    .1942071
         Boone_Ind |  -2.617895   2.164476    -1.21   0.227    -6.869496    1.633705
               NIM |   -.010146   .0091087    -1.11   0.266     -.028038    .0077459
            lasset |  -.0005397   .0053203    -0.10   0.919    -.0109902    .0099108
      CapitalRatio |  -.0039534   .0886095    -0.04   0.964    -.1780058    .1700989
              d_MP |          0  (omitted)
         Boone_Ind |          0  (omitted)
c.d_MP#c.Boone_Ind |   .4015378   .5666046     0.71   0.479    -.7114228    1.514498
             _cons |   .7887204   .5257436     1.50   0.134    -.2439783    1.821419
Thanking you