Dear all,

I use user written command oaxaca_rif by Rios-Avila (Rios-Avila, F. 2020. Recentered influence functions (RIFs) in Stata: RIF regression and RIF decomposition. Stata Journal, 20(1), 51-94. I estimate the same model in two years by different deciles. I want to test for each decile if the explained and unexplained parts of decomposition changed between two years. Could anyone help me how to make a loop, since I don't want to write and to run 10 times separately the same program? I want to estimate decomposition and to test the equality of coefficients for q(10), q(20), q(30),..., q(90).

webuse nlswork, clear

program dob,eclass
oaxaca_rif ln_wage age grade tenure if year==80, by(union) rif(q(50)) rwprobit(age grade tenure) nose
matrix b0=_b[Unexplained:Pure_Unexplained]
oaxaca_rif ln_wage age grade tenure if year==88, by(union) rif(q(50)) rwprobit(age grade tenure) nose
matrix b1=_b[Unexplained:Pure_Unexplained]
matrix b= b0,b1
matrix colname b = b0 b1
ereturn post b

test _b[b0]==_b[b1]

Thank you in adavance.

Best wishes,