Dear all

I am quite new to stata and currently working with a dataset abouth health. This data comes from a survey where you have 2 sort of variables. First you have an individual variable, this different for every person The other sort is a household variable. Here there is a result for every household, filled in by one person for this household (the reference person). I am struggling with the following;

Some variables are individual variables and are differerent for each respondent, other variables are household variables and only one person (the reference person in a household) has answered these. Now my problem is that the household variables contain less observations than the individual ones. The goal is to reshape the household variables into an individual variable. I thought about doing this by copying the household observation for the reference person to all other persons in that household. I was thinking about working with a foreach and to run through all households (via hhid (household id) and then duplicating if person is reference person (piid==1) and this the amount of times as the household is big (hhsize (household size). Unfortunately I am unable to figure out how to do this. An example of a household variable is V400908_2 which indicates how easy it is to reach a GP.

hhid=household id
piid= position in household (=1 for reference person)

Thanks for the help