i try to do an iv regression with fixed effetcs (industry and year) and want to cluster SE by firm and year.
I use the ivreghdfe command:
Is this not supported any longer?
In typed this
Would appreciate help
ivreghdfe firm_beta_w (esg_single c.esg_single#c.advertising_lag1 = president congress state_government c.president#c.advertising_lag1 c.congress#c.advertising_lag1 c.state_government#c.advertising_lag1) diversification_lag1 RnD_lag1 advertising_lag1 leverage_lag1 capex_lag1 cash_lag1 size_lag1 earnings_variability_lag1 state_tax_lag1 cash_flow_lag1, absorb (industry_key year) vce (cluster company_key year) struct ms_vcvorthog undefined (817 lines skipped) (error occurred while loading ivreghdfe.ado)
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