
I'm trying to create a custom table with some specific stats, namely, I want to see how many observations are missing and how many are from the a particular country. I want to do this for five variables: paddy, coffee, millet, tea and indigo. My code is as follows:

    foreach x in paddy coffee millet tea indigo {
    count if country==74 // 74 is the relevant country code
    estadd local n_country `r(N)' 
    count if missing(`var')
    estadd local n_missing `r(N)'
    est store `x'
       esttab paddy coffee millet tea indigo using "table.tex", noabbrev tex replace ///
       stats(n_country n_missing, labels("Country" "Missing")) ///
       nonote title("Study Sample Size")
However, I get the error that "e(n_country) already defined".

Please could someone tell me what is the issue here? Thank you!