I am currently working on a model with an ordinal outcome (i.e., self-rated health: 1=very unhealthy, 2=unhealthy, 3=fair, 4=healthy, 5=very healthy). My treatment variable is a binary variable (good economic condition=1, others=0). This is how I used the IPW method:

***Generate ATT weight
.logit econ_good urban female age edu i.occupation
.predict ps, p
.gen _att_wt=econ_good+(1-econ_good)*(ps/1-ps)

***Run the model with the weight
ologit selfrate econ_good urban female age edu i.occupation [pw=_att_wt]

Now I really want to try a three-level treatment--economic condition (1=difficult economic condition, 2=fairt economic condition, 3=good economic condition). I don't know how I am going to use the IPW method with (1) A three-level treatment and (2) an ordinal outcome. I also want to keep using the doubly robust method (i.e., having the control variables when I run the Ordinal Logistic Regression model).

Thank you!