I am currently using a dataset that includes positional data of individuals in different buildings. For each individual, I have the x and y coordinates in a given building for a specific point in time. I am now interested in calculating the distance that a given individual covers in a specific building. For simplicity, I am assuming that each individual moves in a straight line.
Each individual starts from the entrance (x = 0 and y = 0). So the distance for the first observation is the length of the vector (x,y):
gen distance = sqrt((position_x-0)^2+(position_y-0)^2)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte ind_id double(position_x position_y) str1 building int time double distance 1 612205.1 616313.1 "a" 172 868698.4066392777 1 612033.3 616526.2 "a" 773 273.72769315501506 2 623037.9 297557.4 "b" 56 690446.6895649295 2 618588.2 304253.1 "b" 123 8039.417179124367 2 624784.1 302962.8 "b" 199 6328.826976620569 2 621880.7 306320.6 "c" 37 693230.0592277069 end
I suppose this requires some form of loop. Any help with this problem would be highly appreciated.
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