Dear all,
I am using Stata 14.0 to solve the questions about randomly selecting control sample for the treatment sample multiple times.
The details about my data can be described as followings:
gvkey: the company id; fyear: the fiscal year; state: the state that the company is located;
indicator: indicator is a dummy variable, it equals one for the treatment firm and equals zero for all control firm;
performance: firm performance; interlock: board interlock measure; and other control variables.
In my dataset, there are 1597 obs for indicator=1; and 9958 obs for indicator=0.
Now, I split the above dataset into two sub-samples: indicator=1 is the treatment sample (1597 obs); and indicator=0 is the control sample (9958 obs).
For each treatment firm, I need to randomly select one control firm which is in the same year (fyear) and same state (state) with the treatment firm, then maybe I can obtain a randomly control sample with 1597 obs (if all the treatment firm can be matched with the control firm), I will run regressions in the control sample: reg performance interlock controls. I need to repeat the above procedure 500 times (randomly select control sample 500 times in the same year and state with the treatment sample and run regressions in the control sample 500 times), then the summary statistics about the 500 regressions (mean, median, sd) should be reported. To be specific, I need to report the coefficient and t-value on the independent variable (interlock) in the mean, median, and sd level of the 500 regressions.
I have thought about this for a long period but have no ideas. Any advice on how I should go about this. Merry Christimas! Many thanks!
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