Dear Statalists,
I have ten identically structured excel files which correspond to ten different years. All files include 18 variables which indentify an agegroup. For example the first agegroup variable is called "Underfiveyears", the second "Fivetonineyears" and the last "Overeightyyears". I want to use a loop which imports the excel files and renames these agegroup variables into age1, age2,...age18. Therefore, I used this loop:

forvalues i=1990/1999 {
import excel file`i', firstrow clear
foreach var of varlist Underfiveyears-Overeightyyears {
local x= `x'+1
rename `var' age`x'
save file_`i',replace

The problem is, that the command works for the first file but the numbering of the variables just continues for the following files instead of beginning with age1,...,. For example, the last agegroup variable in the first file is renamed age18 but the first agegroup variable in the second file is renamed age19 instead of age1.
Can someone help me to find a solution?
Thank you in advance!