I'm calculating two tables with the mean of several variables across income deciles as follows:
tabout decile using b1.tex, c(mean x1 mean x2 mean x3) sum style(tex) replace f(4c) ptotal(none) h1(nil) h2(nil) h3(nil)

tabout decile if x==1 using b2.tex, c(mean x4 mean x5 mean x6) sum style(tex) replace f(2c) ptotal(none) h1(nil) h2(nil) h3(nil)

Then, on my latex file, I want to stack these two tables next to each other, as a single table, something like the following:

\input{b1.tex} & \input{b2.tex}

However, the tabout commands above will have the decile numbering in both cases, whereas I don't need to repeat that info.

Any suggestion on how to build such a two part table?

Thanks in advance.
