* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str10 VDS_ID str5 SUR_MON_YR str42 PROG_NAME long AMT_BEN str10 WHO_BEN str1 WHO_SPENT "IAP10A0008" "06/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 " " "B" "IAP10A0008" "06/11" "Mid day meal " 90 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "05/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 " " "B" "IAP10A0008" "04/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 "4,12 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "04/11" "Mid day meal " 100 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "03/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "03/11" "Mid day meal " 150 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "02/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "02/11" "Mid day meal " 160 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "01/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 175 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "01/11" "Mid day meal " 140 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "12/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 175 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "12/10" "Mid day meal " 170 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "11/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 175 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "11/10" "Mid day meal " 160 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "10/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 185 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "10/10" "Mid day meal " 120 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "09/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 175 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "09/10" "Mid day meal " 140 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "08/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 "4,12 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "08/10" "Mid day meal " 150 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "07/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 170 "4 " "B" "IAP10A0008" "07/10" "Mid day meal " 140 "14,205 " "B" "IAP10A0009" "06/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "06/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "05/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "05/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "04/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "04/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "03/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "03/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "02/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "02/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "01/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "01/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "12/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "12/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "11/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 310 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "11/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "10/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 325 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "10/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "09/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "09/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "08/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "08/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "F" "IAP10A0009" "07/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0009" "07/10" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "06/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 " " "B" "IAP10A0010" "06/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "05/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 " " "B" "IAP10A0010" "05/11" "Pensions (old age, widow, etc. " 200 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "04/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 "3,4 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "03/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "02/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "01/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "3,4 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "12/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "11/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "3,4 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "10/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 115 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "09/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 104 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "09/10" "Crop insurance, drought or flood relief " 1800 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "08/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 104 "3,4 " "B" "IAP10A0010" "07/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 104 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "06/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 " " "B" "IAP10A0030" "05/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 " " "B" "IAP10A0030" "04/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 "1,2 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "03/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 120 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "02/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "01/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "1,2 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "12/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "11/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 105 "1,2 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "10/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 110 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "09/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 100 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "08/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 100 "1,2 " "B" "IAP10A0030" "07/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 104 "1 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "06/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 " " "B" "IAP10A0034" "06/11" "Mid day meal " 30 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "06/11" "Others (ABAYAHASTHAM) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "05/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 " " "B" "IAP10A0034" "05/11" "Others (ABAYAHASTAM) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "04/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "04/11" "Mid day meal " 50 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "04/11" "Others (ABAYAHASHAM) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "03/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "03/11" "Mid day meal " 80 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "03/11" "Others (ABAYAHASHAM) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "02/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "02/11" "Mid day meal " 85 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "02/11" "Others (ABAYAHASHAM PENTION) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "01/11" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 340 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "01/11" "Mid day meal " 70 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "01/11" "Others-ABAYAHASTHAM " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "12/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "12/10" "Mid day meal " 95 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "12/10" "Others (ABAYAHASHAM PENSION) " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "11/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 320 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "11/10" "Mid day meal " 90 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "11/10" "ABAYAHASHAM PENSION " 500 "2 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "10/10" "Public dist. system(rice,wheat, etc.) " 335 "3 " "B" "IAP10A0034" "10/10" "Mid day meal " 60 "13 " "F" "IAP10A0034" "10/10" "Others (ABAYAHASTHAM PENSION) " 500 "2 " "B" end
SO lets observation in PROG_NAME having words like book, school, hostel, fees, school dress should come under EDUCATION_RELATED_SUBSIDIES.
and observation having terms like electricity, power, should come under ELECTRICITY&POWER column.
and terms like ABAYAHASHAM, PENSION, Pensions should come under PENSION COLUMN
so please help me to write a code which can categorize observations on the basis of some keywords in variable.
0 Response to categorize observations on the basis of some key words in a variable in to different files
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