
I'm doing a master thesis on the effect of CSR contracting on CSR performance. My model is based on a multiples regression by OLS.

I have regressed CSR level on CSR contracting and used several control variables. As a results I get CSR contracting significant for p<0,1

Afterwards, I added the control variables industries and created dummies for each industry and used the command i.industries in stata.

After controlling for industries, CSR contracting variable (independant variable)is more significant than in the first regression, it's is now significant

for p<0,01. I'm struggling to understand the reasoning behind this big change of results. Morevoer the coefficient of CSR is now 2 times bigger than in the first regression.

Could someone help me interpret why integrating industry as a control variable has this big effect on the coefficient and the significance.

Thank you very much
