how to request the frequency of several variables but in the same table.
So in a way draw up a single frequency table with several variables.

q412_ | Freq. Percent Cum.
Viable | 133 30.37 30.37
autres | 5 1.14 31.51
cou | 24 5.48 36.99
fataliste | 9 2.05 39.04
processus | 1 0.23 39.27
nesaitpas | 8 1.83 41.10
pasdereponse | 64 14.61 55.71
peu_ | 68 15.53 71.23
peur_ | 23 5.25 76.48
maman | 39 8.90 85.39
sante | 3 0.68 86.07
categorielle | 61 13.93 100.00
Total | 438 100.00