
I have a question with regard to multiple imputation in Stata. The aim of my research is to explain, why people choose different educational pathways. Option A would be to do an apprenticeship (Vocational Education and Training), option B is to continue school in order to receive the university entrance qualification. I want to know to what extent the expected benefits and costs of both options explain why people choose option A or B.

The problem is that only people (60 % of the sample) who said that they wanted to apply for an apprenticeship were asked about the expected benfits and costs of an apprenticeship. So for 40 % of the sample (respondents who said that they did not want to apply for an apprenticeship) there is no information available on the expected benfits and costs of an apprenticeship. Does it make sense and is it possible to impute the missing data (expected benfits and costs of an apprenticeship) for this group?

Thank you very much for your help!