I am trying to learn meta analysis and I am using an example from Bland, An Introduction to Medical Statistics:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(or ll ul)
 .29 .03  3.12
5.09  .5 52.29
 .35 .16   .74
 .18 .08   .55
1.24 .52  2.96
 .17 .07   .43
 .71 .14  3.66
 .58 .25  1.36
  .4 .24   .66
 .01   0   .21
 .82 .27  2.54
1.44 .37  5.67
 .61 .29  1.28
 .59 .34  1.04
 .46  .1  2.05
  .5 .17  1.54
 .98 .56  1.72
When I use admetan, from SSC, I have no problem:
. admetan or ll ul

Studies included: 17
Participants included: Unknown

Meta-analysis pooling of aggregate data
using the fixed-effect inverse-variance model

Study                |   Effect    [95% Conf. Interval]   % Weight
1                    |     0.290      0.030     3.120       0.21
2                    |     5.090      0.500    52.290       0.00
3                    |     0.350      0.160     0.740       6.00
4                    |     0.180      0.080     0.550       9.14
5                    |     1.240      0.520     2.960       0.34
6                    |     0.170      0.070     0.430      15.57
7                    |     0.710      0.140     3.660       0.16
8                    |     0.580      0.250     1.360       1.64
9                    |     0.400      0.240     0.660      11.44
10                   |     0.010      0.000     0.210      45.76
11                   |     0.820      0.270     2.540       0.39
12                   |     1.440      0.370     5.670       0.07
13                   |     0.610      0.290     1.280       2.06
14                   |     0.590      0.340     1.040       4.12
15                   |     0.460      0.100     2.050       0.53
16                   |     0.500      0.170     1.540       1.08
17                   |     0.980      0.560     1.720       1.50
Overall effect       |     0.193      0.122     0.264     100.00

Test of overall effect = 0:  z =   5.336  p = 0.000

Heterogeneity Measures
                     |     Value      df     p-value
Cochran's Q          |     39.61     16      0.001
I² (%)               |     59.6%
Modified H²          |     1.475
tau²                 |    0.0420

I² = between-study variance (tau²) as a percentage of total variance
Modified H² = ratio of tau² to typical within-study variance
However when I try to use meta set from Stata 16 I get the following error message:
. meta set or ll ul
confidence intervals not symmetric
    CIs defined by variables ll and ul must be symmetric and based on a normal distribution. If you are
    working with effect sizes such as odds ratios, risk ratios, or hazard ratios, the CIs should be
    specified on the log scale.
I appreciate from the Manual that the CI should be symmetric but I do not understand how I can resolve this error.

Thank you,