I have a dataset where I can see if individuals made a certain choice or not in a game. The variable "choice" is binary, coded 0/1 depending if they made that choice or not.

I also have a set of variables from a survey that was administered at the end of the game. These variables include gender and age, and also self-reported measures of risk, patience, and altruism. These are on a scale 1 to 10 (example: "on a scale 1 to 10, how willing are you to take risks?"). I would like to see if these measures explain the individual's likelihood of making that "choice" in the game.

In sum, I have a binary dependent variable that I'd like to regress on a set of individual characteristics (e.g. age) and ordinal independent variables (risk, patience, altruism).

What would be the best econometric model to use? Is ologit recommended (in this forum there seems to be mixed views on it :-) ).

Thank you!