Hi stata experts,

I'm having a problem with the computation of the composite marginal effects of a variable with its quadratic term after mlogit

Let's say the dept. variable is categorical with four options (0,1,2,3)

I have Age and Age2 in the model and need to compute only 1 composite marginal effect of Age instead of two for Age and Age2 for each outcome (0,1,2,3) like the below figure.
How do I accomplish that post estimation. The command mfx2 yields useful marginal effects of both Age and Age2 for each outcome but I want to compute the composite marginal effect of Age only (just 1). How do I do that?

The below command works just fine to estimate the model
mlogit loantype age age2 gender edu farmexp logincome logfarmsize..., base (0) vce(robust)

The result after mfx2 shows
