Hi guys,

I´m setting up an generalized DiD model. The policy is adopted at different times (two different years). Due to the help of the forum I understood to some extent how to set up this model in Stata, but honestly I don´t fully understand how does the regression look like in general?

The code for my regression looks like this:

xtreg var1 in_effect i.year control1 control2 control3, fe
In this case in_effect is my DiD variable.
In this paper (https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pd...-040617-013507 ; p.5) the equation is stated as follows:
Ygt = ag + bt + δ*Dgt + egt

Dgt would be in my case be in.effect, correct? What would be δ in my case?

Thanks for your help.